Thursday, June 25, 2020

NAACP: #StopHateForProfit: Our Battle Against Facebook

For years, Facebook has fanned the flames of racism and bigotry, altering the course of our democracy as we know it. When hate speech, misinformation, and political propaganda targeted towards the Black community continues to run rampant under the guise of advertisements, Facebook and its CEO, Mark Zuckerberg, have inadvertently put a price tag on Black lives.
And we’re calling it out.

For the month of July, NAACP will cease all advertising on Facebook and we’re calling on corporations to join our #StopHateForProfit campaign and do the same. Ben & Jerry’s, Patagonia, Eddie Bauer, The North Face and REI have already joined us in support and have pledged to pause all their ads on Facebook next month.

Solidarity - Facebook Ads Promoting Hate Graphic

Last week, we placed this ad in the LA Times to spread awareness of the #StopHateForProfit campaign.

At a time when our nation is still reeling from a devastating global health pandemic and the unconscionable killings of innocent Black lives at the hands of the police, Facebook’s inaction is nothing short of complicity. This is a turning point for our country, and as we continue to demand change from our local governments, police departments, and elected officials, we must also demand change from the corporations who largely benefit from the dominance of racism in our society.

We can’t stand idly by as Facebook continues to monetize our oppression. We’re calling on other companies to join us in this movement and pressure Facebook to change its dangerous policies.

Now is the time to demand change for our communities - both online and offline - and it starts with holding those in power accountable.

Fighting Forward,

Derrick Johnson
President and CEO

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