Saturday, June 20, 2020

John Malveaux: October 2019 was the 50th anniversary of Dave Brubeck's THE GATES of JUSTICE...African American baritone Kevin Deas was a soloist

Dave Brubeck: The Gates of Justice

John Malveaux of writes:

October 2019 was the 50th anniversary of Dave Brubeck's THE GATES of JUSTICE.  See African American baritone Kevin Deas was one of two soloists in THE GATES of JUSTICE and a later soloist during 2015 MusicUNTOLD concert celebrating the 150th anniversary of the Emancipation Proclamation.  See a recent statement, 130 Jewish organizations said they were “outraged” by the killing of Floyd, a Black man who died in police custody last week. His death and those of other African-Americans at the hands of law enforcement have led to protests around the world.

“We stand in solidarity with the black community that has for far too long been targeted by police and have suffered rampant racism and unfair and uneven applications of the law,” 

Dave Brubeck died 12-5-2012. Let us revisit THE GATES of JUSTICE  "LORD LORD WHAT WILL TOMORROW BRING"

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