Sunday, June 16, 2019

Happy Father's Day from the NAACP

Derrick Johnson writes:

As a father, I understand what motivates many dads across America to fight so hard for progress on civil rights. It’s not just about us; it’s about doing whatever we can to ensure our children can walk a road that’s less stony than the one we walked.

We fight to make sure that our children have access to a quality education, regardless of zip code.

We fight to make sure our children know the importance of the ballot and exercise their right to vote.

We fight to ensure that our children are able to enjoy an outing in a public park, move into their own apartment, or sit in a coffee shop without their very presence being questioned.

And we find hope knowing that our tireless efforts make a difference not just for our children, but for their children as well.

On behalf of the entire NAACP family, I wish all the fathers and father figures a happy Father’s Day.


Derrick Johnson
President and CEO

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