Sunday, February 2, 2014 Moipei Quartet, Kenyan Triplets and Sister, presented March 1, 2014 by International Studies and Programs, Univ. of Missouri St. Louis

Moipei Quartet (YouTube)

Composer Fred Onovwerosuoke of African Musical Arts and Fredo Music, Inc. announces the first U.S. tour of the Moipei Quartet, beginning February 18, 2014 in New York.  Performance dates are available at the Moipei Quartet's website

Blanche M. Touhill Performing Arts Center, University of Missouri St. Louis, presents the Moipei Quartet on March 1, 2014

The Moipei triplets Marty, Magdalene and Marta together with their youngest sister Seraphine form the award-winning music group Moipei Quartet.

Although still very young, they have already been singing and performing for more than a decade. They have represented Kenya in quite a number of international events in Uganda, Tanzania, South Africa, China, South Korea, Canada and Venezuela. The Moipei Quartet won the prestigious 4th SABC Crown Gospel Music Award in Durban, South Africa, for “Best of Africa” with the first album, In the Land of the Lion. In the June 2006, the girls were appointed the first ever UNICEF Child Ambassadors in Kenya. 

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