Saturday, February 1, 2014

John Malveaux: African Americans & The Metropolitan Opera

John Malveaux of writes:

I recently chatted with a woman who excitedly shared the benefits of attending 'LIVE in HD' (Metropolitan Opera) in movie theaters. I generally listen to broadcast over KUSC Classical Radio but have not seen a production in High Definition. I wondered if 'LIVE in HD' may present an opportunity for MusicUNTOLD to promote opera and establish greater identity/awareness within the African American community  of African American opera stars. A telephone call to the Metropolitan Opera asking if any African Americans have been featured in one or more 'Live in HD' shown in U.S. Theaters. The Metropolitan employee, after considerable time, was unable to offer one name. So, i asked about the upcoming 'LIVE in HD' schedule and the answer was still negative although one or more African Americans are scheduled to perform at the Metropolitan Opera.
John Malveaux

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