Wednesday, August 28, 2013

George Walker on Chicago Sinfonietta: 'The very first program for the 2013/14 season is as embarrassing as it is demeaning.'

The composer and pianist George Walker was born in Washington, D.C.
June 27, 1922, is featured at
and has a website at

George Walker writes:

Regarding the Chicago Sinfonietta:
The comments made by Arthur R. LaBrew and Julius Williams regarding the "misuse by the Chicago Sinfonietta of the Florence Price symphony for a hip-hop dance" are justifiable. The legacy of Dr. Paul Freeman is being undermined by a newly appointed conductor chosen for an acceptable skill level and a certain overt enthusiasm without anyone being aware of an appalling musical taste. The potpourri selected as program material is indicative of the attempt to be "with it" (hip style).
Paul Freeman would now seem to have good reason to re-consider his choice. He devoted many years to develop and infuse an organization with a serious musical perspective. The very first program for the 2013/14 season is as embarrassing as it is demeaning. There are more than a few gifted conductors whose talents include the ability to make good musical choices as well as discerning administrative decisions.
George Walker

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