Kelvin Page, President of the Ben Holt Memorial Branch,
Washington, D. C.
Patrick D. McCoy forwards this release:
Kelvin Page, a native
Washingtonian was named President for the Ben Holt Memorial Branch of
the National Association of Negro Musicians, Inc. Page is a stalwart
supporter of the arts as a performer and teacher.
Jul. 2, 2013 - WASHINGTON, D.C. -- At a recent end of the year celebration honoring members of the organization, the Ben Holt Memorial Branch of the National Association of Negro Musicians, Inc, observed its installation of officers at Sixth Presbyterian Church (Washington, D. C.)
Kelvin Page, a native Washingtonian with a superior record of arts advocacy, particularly in the African American community was named President of the branch for a two year term. As a member of the branch, Page has spearheaded several of its activities and served faithfully as the recording secretary.
He succeeds Patrick D. McCoy, who was honored for his three years of service as president. After being asked by Damon H. Dandridge to start a Washington, D. C. branch of the organization, McCoy organized prominent musicians to began the process. After several meetings, in 2010 the branch was unveiled to the community as the Ben Holt Memorial Branch during a special chartering program held at historic Asbury United Methodist Church in Washington, D. C. McCoy will continue in a special advisory capacity working with fellow colleagues Marquita Lister and Detra Battle.
During the celebration, Battle was given special recognition for her tireless support and work within the Ben Holt Branch. Tribute performances were rendered by the acclaimed soprano and branch member Marquita Lister and pianist Karen Egypt, who has had a long association with NANM in DC from early childhood. As outgoing president, Patrick D. McCoy gave words of thanks and administered the oath of installation to the incoming officers.
With the blessing of Mayme Wilkins Holt, the Washington, D. C. branch of the National Association of Negro Musicians, Inc. was chartered in memory of her son; Washingtonian Ben Holt, who was a principal performer at the Metropolitan Opera and around the world.
The 2013-14 Officers of the Ben Holt Memorial Branch of the National Association on Negro Musicians, Inc. are:
President-Kelvin Page
Vice-President-Cynthia Blalock
Recording Secretary-Linda Campbell
Financial Secretary-Frank Locker
Treasurer-William Jones
Following the program, the officers, members and guest enjoyed a wonderful meal in the church parlor, especially catered for the occasion.
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