[South African National Youth Orchestra - Wind Orchestra (Copyrighted: All rights reserved)]
Sophia Welz has brought the South African National Youth Orchestra, with which she is affiliated, to the attention of AfriClassical: “I followed a link to your site from the Sphinx Organization. I am very interested in including as many black composers/performers as I can, that link up to South Africa, on our website. I think it is important to create role models for our young musicians, as well as record this much neglected part of our history.”
Sophia told us of a reference work from the Human Sciences Research Council (HSRC) which was new to us, Black Composers of Southern Africa (1992): http://www.hsrcpress.ac.za/product.php?productid=1935 Sophia added: “A professor of mine maintained this online dictionary, perhaps you know it?” http://www.africancomposers.co.za/Aficomp/Index.html The Dictionary of African Composers is by Alexander Johnson.
We told Sophia of our vocal music contact in South Africa, the composer and choral director Mokale Koapeng. She replied: “Mokale was commissioned by SAMRO [Southern African Music Rights Organisation] to compose a piece for the National Youth Orchestra this year, so we are in touch. We're setting up various projects for young composers with NewMusicSA http://www.newmusicsa.org.za/ and will keep you up to date on those developments.” “I'm working towards completing my degree at the moment - but National Youth Orchestra work keeps getting in the way! It's been a fantastic opportunity to work on the NYO - I like being on the strategy side of things and doing arts administration is surprisingly exciting.”
South African National Youth Orchestra (SA NYO)
“The SA National Youth Orchestra is undoubtedly the icon of youth classical music in South Africa. The musicians range in age from 13 to 25 years. The South African National Youth Orchestra is formed each year at the youth orchestra course and comprises the cream of young South African musicians. Members are chosen on merit and include players from all communities. The standard is high and national and international concerts have received critical acclaim.” “The South African National Youth Orchestra will be doing an international tour to Mexico from 1-10 December 2009. More details on this exciting adventure for the orchestra will be made public soon.”
SA National Youth Orchestra
Black Composers of Southern Africa
Dictionary of South African Composers
Mokale Koapeng
SAMRO Commission
NewMusicSA Young Composers
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