[Gershwin: 3 Preludes, 6 Songs; Corea: 20 Children's Songs; Leon Bates, Piano; Naxos 8.550341 (1989)]
AmericanComposers.org says of the African American pianist Leon Bates: “Over the past twenty years, Leon Bates has emerged as one of America's leading pianists.” He has performed at many of the country's most prestigious concert venues. In 1989 Leon recorded 3 Preludes and 6 Songs of George Gershwin, and 20 Children's Songs of Chick Corea on a CD for Naxos, one of the leading classical music labels in the world. He made his solo debut at Carnegie Hall in 2000. AfriClassical has followed the career of Leon Bates since his March 2008 performance with the Chicago Sinfonietta under the direction of Paul Freeman. Recent posts include one on March 3, 2009, “Pianist Leon Bates Performs 'African-American Originals' at Haverford College”. Among the works he played at the concert was Juba Dance from In the Bottoms Suite, by the African American composer R. Nathaniel Dett (1882-1943).
On May 27, 2009 Leon Bates posted the complete In the Bottoms Suite of R. Nathaniel Dett on YouTube: Juba Dance (2:10), Morning Barcarolle (5:09), Honey (1:30), His Song (3:57) and Prelude: Night (4:51). In the liner notes for the CD R. Nathaniel Dett: Piano Works, New World Records 80367-2 (1988), Prof. Dominique-René de Lerma writes of Dett's start as choral director at Hampton Institute in 1913: “On his arrival, he was fresh from the success of In the Bottoms, a piano suite which had been premiered in Chicago's Music Hall by Fannie Bloomfield Zeisler.” A complete Works List for the composer has been compiled by Dr. De Lerma. It can be found on the R. Nathaniel Dett page at AfriClassical.com.
Leon Bates
African American Pianist
In the Bottoms Suite
Juba Dance
YouTube Video
R. Nathaniel Dett
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