Friday, December 31, 2010
'Nightsongs' of H. Leslie Adams Sung Dec. 30 in Milton, Massachusetts by Brandon Grimes
Richard C. Alston: 'thank you for what you are doing for instrumentalists...of African descent'
Errollyn Wallen, 5: For Viola Concerto 'we have an online presence for the process of its creation.'
peace on earth
Editions Peters
Rita Porfiris
Violin Concerto
online pesence
Thursday, December 30, 2010
Pianist Richard C. Alston in 'Classically Black' Feb. 2, 2011 Rutgers University
"Classically Black” I Troubled Water...Margaret Bonds Adagio in F Minor...Le Chevalier De Saint Georges Basso Tuba Waltz, op. 5...Thomas "Blind Tom" Wiggins Maple Leaf Rag...Scott Joplin Summerland...William Grant Still The Bamboula...Samuel Coleridge-Taylor III In The Bottoms (Suite)...R. Nathaniel Dett Prelude (Night) His Song Honey Barcarolle (Morning) Juba (Dance) IV Sonata No. 1...George Walker Theme and Variations V Fantasie Negre...Florence B. Price [ features biographies of Margaret A. Bonds (1913-1972), Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875-1912), R. Nathaniel Dett (1882-1943), Scott Joplin (1868-1917), Florence B. Price (1887-1953), Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges (1745-1799), William Grant Still (1895-1978), George Walker (b. 1922) and Thomas "Blind Tom" Wiggins (1849-1908)]Rutgers University
Camden College of Arts and Sciences
Wednesday, February 2, 2011 12:00pm
Richard Alston, pianist
Composers of African Descent
Afro-Cuban Violinist José White Born Dec. 31, 1835; 1st Prize for Violin at Paris Conservatory
Gregory Walker will compose 'Song of the Untouchable,' to debut in Denver in April 2011
Labels: Chuck Fryberger, Gregory Walker, India, Kerala, Song of the Untouchable
Errollyn Wallen, 4: 'My great hero is Bach, a composer who I feel never wrote more than he had to'
My great hero is Bach
Cautionary Tales by Hilaire Belloc
Opera North
YES with librettist Bonnie Grier
Craft Serves Expression
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
'Reverie' of William Grant Still on Delos CD 'Cherry Rhodes Live at the Kimmel Center'
Violinist Gregory Walker & Boulder Phil in 'European Sojourn: Infusing Folk With Classical'
Errollyn Wallen, 3: 'Up Mt. Kilimanjaro with a roll-up piano' 'makes you realize that so much else in life is easier!'
Song Form
Uniquely Expressive
Up Mount Kilimanjaro
Roll-up Piano
Climb Made Rest Of Life Seem Easier
Tuesday, December 28, 2010
Pianist Lara Downes Using to fund recording project, '13 Ways of Looking at the Goldberg'
You are officially THE BEST! L
Labels: 13 Ways, CD, Goldberg,, Lara Downes
Pianist Lara Downes on CBS 'Good Day' Wed. Dec. 29 'in a live interview and performance' 8am & 9am PT, CW Channel 31 or streaming
Labels: CBS, CW Channel 31, GooddaySacramento, Lara Downes, Local
Errollyn Wallen, 2: “I orchestrated 'The Girl In My Alphabet' for the American Composers Orchestra”
Classical Music
Stockhausen Project
American Composers Orchestra
Ursula Oppens
Dissonance and Melody
Dr. William Chapman Nyaho, Pianist of Ghanaian Heritage, Born in Washington, D.C. Dec. 28, 1958
Labels: 1958, Born December 28, Dr. William Chapman Nyaho
Gregory Walker: Violin Soloist in ALL Barber Concert of Boulder Philharmonic Orchestra Nov. 12 & 13, 2010

'...excellent soloist...' The New York Times
Monday, December 27, 2010
Dr. Gary Burgess, Prof. Emeritus, Dir. of Bermuda Philharmonic, wrote 'Dawn of a New Day' & 'The Bermuda Symphony'
Errollyn Wallen, 1: 'Before I could really say I knew much about music, I was making up pieces for the class to play.'
Born in Belize
The Girl In My Alphabet
KeyedUp MusicProject
Marc Peloquin
Classical Music