Monday, May 11, 2015

John Malveaux: CBS News 60 Minutes: Unless she's on her toes, Misty Copeland is just a little over five feet tall, but she's a towering figure in the world of ballet

John Malveaux of 
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Misty Copeland on 60 Minutes

CBS News 60 Minutes

Misty Copeland

The following script is from "Misty Copeland" which aired on May 10, 2015. Bill Whitaker is the correspondent. Patricia Shevlin, producer.

Unless she's on her toes, Misty Copeland is just a little over five feet tall, but she's a towering figure in the world of ballet -- a top dancer in one of the top companies; American Ballet Theater. She's been called a prodigy, a breath of fresh air. She wants to blow the cobwebs out of the stuffy world of classical ballet and open the doors to everyone. Misty Copeland is the embodiment of the American dream. She grew up poor, didn't hear classical music until she was a teenager, she's an African American in a profession where there are few. At 32, she has overcome more obstacles than most of us ever face. When she began, one dance company told her she would never make it in ballet. Boy, were they wrong.

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