Saturday, March 28, 2015

John Malveaux: In a ravishing display of the depth of her extraordinary talent...Latonia Moore outshines

Latonia Moore in Title Role of Aida in Sydney Harbour

John Malveaux of 

During the 150th Anniversary Emancipation Proclamation Concert of September 2, 2012 co-produced by MusicUNTOLD and KUSC Classical Radio 91.5FM in Los Angeles Soprano Latonia Moore sang "Ritorna vincitor"/Return a conqueror and she teamed with Baritone Donnie Ray Albert to sing "Ciel, mio padre!"/Return a conqueror from the opera AIDA. The concert was subsequently broadcast on KUSC Classical Radio 91.5 FM and podcast for 30 days. 
Please see 3-28-2015 review of AIDA in Australia

John Malveaux

Simon Parris: Man in Chair

Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour: Aida review

In a ravishing display of the depth of her extraordinary talent, American soprano Latonia Moore outshines camels, fireworks and dancing girls to walk away with the fourth annual Handa Opera on Sydney Harbour. Playing the title role of Aida means that, fortunately, the show is already hers for the taking.

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