Saturday, March 28, 2015

'Evangeline!' -- Making History (Again) with The Longfellow Chorus & Orchestra in "Music from The Gilded Age" with Herb Smith, Trumpet & Tia Allen, Viola

[Kaitlyn Costello, as Gabriel, and Cree Carrico, as Evangeline, are encircled by Woodside One Wheelers during "100 Years Ago March" -- the grand finale of scenes from Edward Rice's comic opera "Evangeline!" in our "Music from The Gilded Age: Boston Theatre Orchestra Collection" production last Saturday.]

Tia Allen, viola

The Longfellow Chorus

March 24, 2015

Portland, Maine

The concert "Music from The Gilded Age" today was 
fabulous! You promised it would be entertaining and 
so it was. The music was superb; The Longfellow 
Orchestra simply outstanding, as were the two 
marvelous sopranos, Kaitlyn Costello and Cree Carrico. 
The youngsters and their teachers from the "Woodside 
One Wheelers of Topsham" certainly enriched the 
show with their entertaining performance. We felt 
enriched by being there . . . . We can't wait to see 
what will be next on your agenda.
[Audience comment, "Music from The Gilded Age: 
Saturday, March 21, 2015.]

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