Monday, October 1, 2012

On Monday, October 22 at 2pm, Mickey Thomas Terry will be a featured recitalist in the 2012 Charles Tournemire Symposium in Pittsburgh

On Monday, October 22 at 2pm, Mickey Thomas Terry will be a featured recitalist in the 2012 Charles Tournemire Symposium to be held in Pittsburgh.  The program will take place at Epiphany Catholic Church in downtown Pittsburgh.  The symposium is jointly sponsored by the American Guild of Organists and the Church Music Association of America.  Terry will be performing an all-Tournemire organ recital that will include movements of Tournemire's "Seven Words of Christ" as well as two of his "Choral-Improvisations" (transcribed by Maurice Durufle).  A pupil of Franck, Charles Tournemire (1870-1939) was a prolific post-impressionist composer who taught at the Paris Conservatory and served as one of Franck's successors at the Church of St. Clotilde in Paris.

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