Monday, October 1, 2012

Moores School of Music will pay tribute to the influential composer with "Samuel Coleridge-Taylor: A Centennial Celebration" Oct. 5 & 6, 2012

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University of Houston Moores School of Music
During his short career as a composer, Samuel Coleridge-Taylor produced dynamic works that were performed far and wide. His star was rising in the classical music world, but a bout with pneumonia took his life at 37. Despite his premature passing, he left behind an impressive collection of compositions that continues to inspire both musicians and audiences. The University of Houston’s Moores School of Music will pay tribute to the influential composer with "Samuel Coleridge-Taylor: A Centennial Celebration"

Oct. 5 – Faculty will perform a recital of songs, piano and chamber music. Performers include soprano Cynthia Clayton, mezzo-soprano Melanie Sonnenberg, baritone Timothy Jones and pianist Nancy Weems.

Oct. 6 – Performers include the Moores Symphony Orchestra with conductor Franz Krager, the Moores Concert Chorale directed by Betsy Weber, Prairie View A&M University Concert Chorale directed by A. Jan Taylor, violinist Andrzej Grabiec and guest tenor soloist Zachary Averyt.

[Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875-1912) is profiled at, which features a comprehensive Works List and a Bibliography by Prof. Dominique-René de Lerma, We are collaborating with the Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Foundation of the U.K.,]

Comment by email:
Dear Bill, Can't thank you enough for your highlighting our C-T Centennial Celebration scheduled for this week-end.  The reminder post looks just great.  I am so appreciative of your assistance with getting the word out on this worthy project!  The music is extraordinary.  Most gratefully, Franz [Franz Anton Krager]

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