Thursday, February 19, 2009

Sergio Mims: 'Sodi got a well deserved standing ovation' After Dame Myra Hess Concert

[Sodi Braide (Left) and Sergio Mims (Right)]

AfriClassical received this message and photo from Sergio Mims, a classical music radio host in Chicago, after the Nigerian pianist Sodi Braide gave a recital in Chicago Wednesday, Feb. 18: “Here's a photo taken of me and Sodi Braide today after the Dame Myra Hess Concert in Chicago at the Cultural Center. It was an amazing concert and Sodi got a well deserved standing ovation.”

AfriClassical has followed the career of the Nigerian pianist Sodi Braide with great interest. A link to an audio sample of his playing can be found in the upper right corner of the blog. Sodi has a new website in English and French. His many concerts are listed at his MySpace page.  

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