Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Pianist Jade Simmons Plays DBR at Detroit Institute of Arts Friday, Feb. 20

Pianist Jade Simmons will perform two works of Daniel Bernard Roumain (DBR) in consecutive performances in Detroit on Friday, Feb. 20, 2009:
5200 Woodward Avenue, Detroit, 48202
Cost: Free w/museum admission
2 back-to-back performances (7pm and 8:30) featuring two unique programs including performances of DBR’s Hip Hop Studies and Etudes with electronic beats.

“A native of Charleston, South Carolina and a graduate of Rice University’s prestigious Shepherd School of Music, she received her Master of Piano Performance degree as a Provost Fellow under the tutelage of concert pianist Jon Kimura Parker. In 2001, she completed her undergraduate work at Northwestern University studying with Dr. Sylvia Wang. Also while at Northwestern, she was a co-founder of the popular percussion and dance ensemble Boomshaka! and integrates percussion into her current performance activities. Jade has performed in the master classes of piano greats such as Menahem Pressler, Anton Kuerti, Andre LaPlante, Nelson Delle Vigne, Jerome Lowenthal and Phillipe Entremont. Currently, she studies privately with Dr. Robert Roux, chair of the piano department at Rice University.” 

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