Monday, December 1, 2008

AfriClassical Receives Thanks from Jean-Claude HALLEY of blog 'Guadeloupe Attitude'

[Violin Concertos, Op. 5, Nos. 1 & 2; Op. 3, No. 1; Op. 8, No. 9; Bernard Thomas Chamber Orchestra; Jean-Jacques Kantorow, Violin; Arion 68093 (1990)]

This morning we alerted our French-speaking colleagues to a brief biographical essay on Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges (1745-1799), which was posted today on a French-language blog, “Nord-Plage972", based in Martinique. We subsequently received a reply from Jean-Claude HALLEY, a Saint-Georges specialist who writes the French blog “Guadeloupe Attitude”. Here is a rough translation: “Our friends and neighbors of Martinique have always expressed an interest in the Chevalier de Saint-Georges, as this blog post illustrates. I even remember a fireworks display on the Chevalier de Saint-Georges given at Fort LOUIS. Thanks to our friend Bill for being so attentive to everything that happens on the Saint-Georges planet. The President of the Baladins vocal ensemble asked me to thank you for speaking of his Association.” [On Nov. 14, 2008 AfriClassical posted an article about a perfomance by a vocal ensemble called “Les Baladins” (“The Baladins”) as part of an event to be held in Guadeloupe on Nov. 21, 2008.] [Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges is profiled at, where his life, his fencing career, and selected recordings of his music are discussed.]

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