Monday, April 11, 2022

SAINT-GEORGES MUSIC FESTIVAL of LOS ANGELES May 1st, 2022 at 5 PM at the First Congregational Church of Los Angeles

Maestro Vince Womack will lead the nationally acclaimed Afro-American Chamber Music Society Orchestra in masterpieces by the greatest French composer and violinist of African descent,  Saint-Georges at the annual Saint-Georges Festival of Los Angeles on May 1st, 2022 at 5PM. The Festival.will be held at the First Congregational Church of Los Angeles, 540 South Commonwealth Avenue, Los Angeles. For tickets click the following link:

Guest artists joining AACMSO will feature LA Philharmonic Violinist, Lyndon Johnston Taylor performing Violin Concerto in D, Op. 2 No. 2, Saint-Georges' debut piece as soloist with the Amateur Orchestra of France; and  Brazilian Violinist & competition winner, Manoela Wunder performing Violin Concerto in C, Op. 5 No. 1 edited by Professor Janise White.  World renowned opera singer, Richard Taylor, Bass; Dr. Britany Moore Alexander, MD, Lyric Soprano;  Tim Davis, Tenor and Lettrice Lawrence, Dramatic Soprano.will perform highlights from the only extant opera, "The Anonymous Lover".

The Saint-Georges  Festival Concert is the brainchild of Professor Janise White, Founder & Director of the Afro-American Chamber Music Society Orchestra established in 2019 to bring attention to this phenomenally successful composer who became the iconic rock star of France during the Classical period.  This event is sponsored in part by the LA County Arts Commission & The California Arts Council.

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