Sunday, April 24, 2022

Montana State University: "Florence Price in Three Settings" Wednesday, April 27, 2022 7:30pm - 8:30pm; Livestreamed on performance date

Florence Beatrice Price (1887-1953)

Montana State University

MSU School of Music Faculty and Students collaborate in a performance celebrating Florence Beatrice Price, African American Classical Composer (1887-1953). This performance features MSU Brass, Piano, Vocal and String Faculty and Students. The program will consist of three works by Price featuring three different instrumental groups. The repertoire will include; "Octet for Brasses and Piano" (1930), performed by MSU Brass Faculty and select students and Dr. Laurel Yost on Piano; "String Quartet in G Major, (1929) performed by student string group, Gallatin String Quartet; and "Resignation" sung by Beth Croy.

Price is noted as the first African-American woman to be recognized as a symphonic composer, and the first to have a composition played by a major orchestra, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. April 9th is Florence Price' Birthday month and the School of Music is excited to celebrate her during the month of April by sharing her beautiful works in three settings. 

Come and enjoy Florence Price and her mesmorizing melodies and harmonies in three different settings! This performance will also be livestreamed on the MSU YouTube Channel - link will be active on performance date. date.

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