Saturday, April 2, 2022

Christine Gangelhoff: "The next iteration of Puentes Caribeños (Caribbean Bridges), in collaboration with the University of Trinidad and Tobago, will"

Dr. Christine Gangelhoff of The University of The Bahamas writes:

Dear Bill,

The next iteration of Puentes Caribeños (Caribbean Bridges), in collaboration with the University of Trinidad and Tobago, will be an online symposium that will focus on music-making and creativity in the Caribbean during the pandemic. The symposium will provide an opportunity for the strengthening of bonds between composers, performers, artists and scholars throughout the region and its diaspora. The symposium invites two categories of submissions: 1. short academic papers and 2. video recordings of compositions.

For more information, please visit:

Dr. Christine Gangelhoff
University of The Bahamas
Nassau, Bahamas

UTT in collaboration with PUENTES CARIBEÑOS presents

Transitions and Developments
Caribbean Creativity and Composition in Changing Times

A N  O N L I N E  
S Y M P O S I U M 
June 30th to July 2nd, 2022

Transitions and Developments – the international symposium on Caribbean art music – would like to invite composers, performers, and academics from across the region to present SHORT

Musical Creativity and Innovation in the Caribbean in the Time of COVID


Strategies and New Directions in Caribbean Music Education

Proposals for ACADEMIC PAPERS should include an abstract of 250 words in a Microsoft Word document or PDF, along with the applicant’s contact information (name, email, phone number and institutional affiliation if applicable).

Presentations should be short, lasting between 10 to 15 minutes.

VIDEO RECORDINGS should be uploaded to YouTube and shared via private link. Applicants must include contact information and a short
bio. Once accepted, applicants will be instructed to send the original video file to the conference administrators.

All works must have been created (either composed or performed) during the time of COVID and composers and performers must be natural-born citizens or residents of the
Caribbean or be artistically active in the region.

Transitions and Developments will comprise presentations bycomposers, performers, and academics from across the region. There will be dedicated sessions on steelpan as well as regional artists’ responses to climate change and the pandemic.

Proposals should be sent to
no later than Friday April 15th, 2022

For more information, please contact Adam Walters at

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