Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Rebeca Omordia "Ekele" Concert Review by Clive Rubin, Cape Town, Republic of South Africa

Rebeca Omordia

Eni Fashanu sends this review:

In appreciation: The African Concert Series - "EKELE: Piano Music by African Composers" with Rebeca Omordia 

By Clive Rubin, Cape Town, RSA

It was a real pleasure to be able to listen in, despite the prospect of disturbing and worrisome news, that never stops yet fortunately couldn’t interrupt or delay this recital. Thank you for allowing us all to be, briefly, transported and elevated to a higher plane, and concentrate on something altogether more surprising ; the beauty and precision of Rebeca Omordia’s concert pianist's hands. Rebeca Omordia’s hands interpreted and in turn lent grace, poise, levity, dexterity and intensity to works that I have never heard before. In the soundest tradition of inherited culture, that can never be allowed to disappear, Ms Omordia brought back the music of Ayodele Bankole, quite literally, back to life and it was live too. Ms Omordia's concentration and performing without sheet music also had me transfixed and in awe. There were no distractions, not even the rapid turning of the score, all my attention was drawn to Ms Omordia, her perfect memory and her power of interpretation and transposition, delivered via the piano through all ten strong, enamel painted fingers that channelled and coursed up and down releasing as improbable as it may sound, triumphant, at turns baleful, pure, melodic, at other times, loud, alarming and complex composition, ideas and thoughts. If only we could have added the one absent feature A standing ovation. Bravo.
Please accept my thanks for introducing and providing a respite and allowing us to tune in to a concert that was a premiere and truly, for most and even the seasoned, a first.


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