Tuesday, August 4, 2020

Side by Side with Chicago Phil: Perform with us on Sunday, August 9 in a virtual concert: Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges, William Grant Still & Antonin Dvorak


Each summer the Chicago Philharmonic presents free concerts in Chicago parks, inviting community members and students to join us in playing along with the orchestra. This summer, being respectful of social distancing measures, we will host a virtual adaptation of our Side by Side program via Zoom!

Side by Side with the Chicago Philharmonic will host its second program on Sunday, August 9 in collaboration with the Chicago Park District. The program will feature works by Joseph Boulogne, Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges (a beloved Classical era composer), Antonín Dvořák (an iconic Czech composer with a deep love of America), and William Grant Still (the 20th century neo-Romantic genius often referred to as the “Dean of Afro-American Composers”).

This virtual event will include a live conductor-led rehearsal by Maestro Scott Speck with pre-recorded music, followed by live sectional break out groups facilitated by Chicago Philharmonic musicians, culminating in a final run-through that each participant records on their personal device and sends to the Chicago Philharmonic. After the event, we will create and share the composite performance video with the world for all to enjoy. This virtual experience will include 2-3 short pieces of music and is free to participate!

WHEN: Sunday, August 9

WHERE: Zoom (invitation to be sent before the event)


Joseph Boulogne, Le Chevalier de Saint-Georges Symphonie XI No. 2, I. Allegro
Antonín Dvořák Symphony No. 9, E Minor (From the New World), Excerpt from II. Largo
William Grant Still Symphony No.1 (Afro-American Symphony), III. Humor: Animato


3:00 – 3:50 pm Rehearsal
3:55 – 4:20 pm Break Out Sessions
4:30 – 5:00 pm Recording “Performance”
5:00 – 5:30 pm Optional Q&A Session with Maestro Speck

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