Sunday, June 28, 2020

ASALH-TV Webinar II: Black Lives Matter, From Enslavement to Engagement July 1, 2020 6 PM-730 PM ET

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An unknown speaker once provided the following commentary about the policing of Black bodies in America: "If your Black skin is seen as a weapon, you are always believed to be armed, thus a threat to the lives of others." Never could a statement be more pronounced than at this very moment in time. This is not to imply that the bodies of Black people are experiencing a new phenomenon, but that the implicit blows dealt by a widening window of social media have exacerbated the tense feelings of those who view it—and for some, it triggers the wounds of past discrimination and even past physical encounters. 

As the editors of this issue of the Black History Bulletin, we feel that America's Black children are experiencing the repercussions of a system that was not designed for their survival—neither in academics nor in life. Without active engagement, their hopes and dreams remain largely constrained by the expectations of an "American Dream" that was never meant for their success. 

In this conversation, we seek to pose and answer three key questions: First, with over three hundred years of enslavement and state-sanctioned segregation, how do we move away from the inequities of the past? Second, when African American history is often only discussed in schools within the context of slavery and only during Black History Month, how is the historical narrative of the vibrant culture, art. and significant contributions of African Americans to this country reaching children who so desperately need to bear it? And lastly, What is to become of Whites who are never taught to see the humanity of those who are of color and whose lives matter as much as theirs do?

A celebration of activists and activism, this discussion promotes a shared vision of community engagement in the work of those who, in the words of Barack Obama. "continue the long march of those who came before us, a march for a more just, more equal. more free, more caring, and more prosperous America." Black Lives Matter. 

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