Friday, January 10, 2020

Lara Downes: World Premiere Florence Price recording drops today!

Lara Downes writes:

Dear friends,
I'm happy to bring some good news this morning! My world premiere recording of Florence Price's Fantasie Negre No. 4 is here! 
This is a really extraordinary piece of music that exposes Ms. Price's layers of creative expression in their unique and beautiful complexity. You can read the fascinating history of the piece in Michael Cooper's forward to his new source-critical edition, available now from G. Schirmer. 
This is the first part of my series of world premiere Price recordings, on EPs dropping throughout this month. You can sign up to be notified of the new releases HERE, and please feel free to be in touch with your questions/comments etc.
Also, please share this with any & all friends and fans of Ms. Price!!
My journey with her music continues to change my life and fill my heart.
Much love,


Lara Downes
Skype: LaraD88

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