Wednesday, September 4, 2019

New Grant Program -- Ensemble Forward - for New York City-based ensembles

Susan Dadian writes:

Dear Mr. Zick,

I’m getting in touch because Chamber Music America has just launched Ensemble Forward, a grant program for chamber ensembles that are based in NYC (the five boroughs).  

We would very much like to have a diverse applicant pool.   Below is some information about the program.

The purpose of Ensemble Forward is to help emerging ensembles refine their group sound by working with a chamber music coach and help them on their career path as an ensemble.

This is how the program and the funding work:
·        Coach’s fee:  $500 per session for 4 sessions -- $2,000/coach). 

·        Ensemble member’s fee:  $200 per musician for each of the 4 sessions ($800/musician).

·        Complimentary registration to the Chamber Music America conference (which takes place in NYC, January 16-19, 2020)

·        Career/skill-building workshop (to be held in Spring 2020). 

Applicants may not be current students.  Recent grads (mid- to late 20s) are in the exact age group we are trying to support.  This is the time when, after musicians receive their degree, they need to start building a career.  Performing with an ensemble is often part of that career-building phase.

It could be a great help for a young classical ensemble getting a start.  The ensemble could choose a coach, or we could help identify one. 

This is a link to the webpage for the guidelines and application:

Attached is a flyer with program information.

The deadline is September 27, 2019.

Wishing you all the best,

Susan Dadian
Program Director, Classical/Contemporary

Chamber Music America
12 West 32nd Street, 7th Floor
New York, NY 10001

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