Sunday, May 12, 2019

Happy Mother’s Day from the NAACP

Throughout the NAACP’s history, mothers have helped lead the way in the fight for a more just America, serving as fierce advocates and moral compasses in the organization and in their communities.

It was mothers who organized and marched to ensure that their children and grandchildren could have equal access to a quality education.

It was mothers who not only fought for the right to vote, but also fought to get on the ticket in the voting booth.

It was mothers who pushed for equal pay for equal work and broke glass ceilings that made the workplace fairer for all people.

And in the face of racism’s harshest brutality, it was mothers who stood stoic and defiant while keeping their families strong and together.

We see this same tenacious and determined spirit carried forward in our time, as moms all across our country fight to keep their neighborhoods safe, hold those in power accountable, and move our nation closer to living up to its highest ideals.

Moms give a lot of themselves, and they make a difference every single day.

So on behalf of the entire NAACP staff, I wish every mother the happiest of Mother’s Days. May your special day be filled with love, laughter, and hopefully, rest.


Derrick Johnson
President and CEO

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