Saturday, October 13, 2018

Roxbury Youth Orchestra in it’s 5th year is looking to recruit 100 Sustaining Donors

David France

David France writes:

5 Years Ago I began a question filled journey using the one thing I knew the best, music, to make a difference in the lives of young people in Boston. Today we begin a journey to make this project more sustainable! The Roxbury Youth Orchestra now in it’s 5th year is looking to recruit 100 Sustaining Donors to help us to keep this orchestra around for a very long time!   It truly does take a village to raise a child and for as little as $1 a month you can help us to continue to build our orchestra in the hood. I would like to ask you to consider becoming a monthly patron here
If we can accomplish this goal it will have an enormous impact on our financial sustainability!
Over the years so many questions have fueled this journey. Why are we so satisfied giving people in poor neighborhoods canned goods and used clothes while at the same time blaming so many for not being able to get out of poverty? Why do young people in the city have to leave their neighborhood to have access to high quality arts programs? Why is it ok for public education to be so unequal for black and brown children while claiming that their battle is being waged on an equal playing field? Why do so many believe that we don’t have to give certain kids access to the best pedagogy because they “will never become professional musicians.” Why is it ok to put limiting beliefs on their futures? Why do we think that being poorly trained on the violin can somehow miraculously give a kid the work ethic they would need to be successful at anything else? Why do we allow institutions to use our young people of color to get funding for THEIR institutions because they give kids free tickets to concerts? Why do so many teenagers I meet tell me that NO ONE has ever asked them, “What is your dream?”
I don’t have the answers to all these questions nor am I anywhere close to my dream BUT in the last 5 years I have resolved to grow a community where young people in the city feel valued and free to be themselves while being challenged to become more than they thought was possible. I have resolved to bring the highest quality instruction I know possible to kids who can’t afford to study with the elite teachers…I have resolved to sit at the feet of these elite teachers and take everything I could possibly remember and serve it in the best way I can. I have resolved to help young people dream again and to show them that the road to those dreams is rough yet attainable through mentors, their community, and good ‘ol hard work. In my very small corner of the world I’ve resolved to make a difference.
My heart is full of thanks to so many of you who have come alongside this vision and these young people I’ve had the honor of serving these past 5 years.  Consider joining us in this journey to now make the Roxbury Youth Orchestra an institution in the city whose light will never be extinguished. This orchestra has given our youth a new sense of purpose while arming them with the tools to make the future even brighter for those THEY will bless.
THIS is our Revolution of Hope and we have only just begun will you help us continue?

Consider making a monthly donation in any amount that makes sense for you.  It really helps!

Thank you so much!
David France, Founder and Executive Director                              

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