Thursday, March 1, 2018

Sergio Mims: Julius Eastman's "Step on It" and "Gay Guerrilla" on WHPK-FM Chicago Tuesday, March 13, 12-3 PM Central Time

Julius Eastman
(Chris Rusiniak)

Sergio A. Mims writes:

I am very excited to inform you and your audience that on my weekly classical music radio program on WFMT-FM Chicago (88.5FM locally and livestream) Tuesday, March 13, 12-3 PM US Central Time I will be broadcasting works by the African-American composer Julius Eastman whose works have been receiving a well deserved reminiscence and rediscovery 

On the show I will be playing Eastman's Step on It and his extraordinary work for four pianos Gay Guerrilla. Also on the show will be Duke  Ellington's Afro-Eurasian Eclipse and Phillip Glass Symphony No. 2


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