Ragtime master Reginald Robinson will mark the release of his new album with a performance on Wednesday at SPACE in Evanston. (Phil Velasquez / Chicago Tribune)
December 13, 2017
One of the most distinctive recordings of 2017 came from the
imagination of a Chicagoan who has done more to champion and rejuvenate
ragtime music in the past 25 years than anyone.Reginald
Robinson won a MacArthur Fellowship, or “genius grant,” in 2004 for the
singularity of his ragtime compositions, his ingenuity as a pianist and
his unyielding advocacy of an otherwise unjustly overlooked art form.
Or, as the MacArthur Foundation put it, “A gifted pianist,
he evokes the range of passion and liveliness contained within the
classic ragtime compositions of the early 1900s. He has explored in
detail the great works of Scott Joplin, Eubie Blake and other classical
ragtime composers and has composed dozens of harmonically daring,
structurally complex works.”
But what happens when
Robinson’s remarkable compositions are orchestrated, a range of strings,
horns and percussion giving voice to ideas previously expressed on the
piano alone?
The answer came in vivid form on “Music of Reginald R.
Robinson,” in which the River Raisin Ragtime Revue — an ensemble based
in Michigan — recorded new orchestrations of landmark Robinson
compositions and previously unheard works. Orchestrated by William Hayes
and performed by the River Raisin Ragtime Revue under the direction of
William Pemberton, the live album brought forth musical ideas hidden
deep in Robinson’s scores.
So deeply, in fact, that they proved a revelation even to the composer himself.
music has more color, more voices” in its orchestral incarnation, says
Robinson, who will celebrate the album’s release with a solo-piano
performance Wednesday evening at SPACE in Evanston.
more than just a piano. Piano is beautiful alone, but my ears are more
appreciative” of the music on the recording (it’s available at www.reginaldrrobinson.com).
listen to it almost every day now, just taking it all in,” adds
Robinson, who hopes eventually to write such orchestrations himself. “It
gives me more insight into how I want my music to sound in the future. …
I’m hearing new ideas, new possibilities.”
Indeed, the
album — recorded during a concert last March in Eastern Michigan
University’s Pease Auditorium — illuminates turns of phrase and details
of voicing only hinted at in their original piano form. Though nothing
quite matches the sound of Robinson playing his compositions alone at
the piano, the album shows how much potential these scores hold.
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