Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Lara Downes launches "My Promise Project" inspired by Rita Dove & David Sanford: "What is your promise to the world?" Tell us with a sign, in video up to 10 seconds

Lara Downes: America Again
Sono Luminus DSL-92207
(Photo: Rik Keller)

Samuel Coleridge-Taylor, Florence B. Price, Scott Joplin and Duke Ellington are featured at

My Promise Project
Share your Promise to the World

Rita Dove
(Purdue University)

On The Bus With Rosa Parks: Poems
Rita Dove

David W. Sanford 

Lara Downes writes:

Dear Bill,

I'm proud to launch My Promise Project, inspired by my collaborations with U.S. Poet Laureate Rita Dove and composer David Sanford. 

"I gave my promise to the world, and the world followed me here"
-Testimonial from On the Bus With Rosa Parks, by Rita Dove

My Promise Project asks the question: "What is your promise to the world?" 
Tell us with a sign you make, in a video of 10 seconds or less, and submit your promise online at

This is an ongoing project, but videos submitted before November 15 may be featured in my November 21 performance at Le Poisson Rouge, NYC, celebrating the release of my new album America Again.

#mypromise #americaagain


Lara Downes

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