Saturday, July 4, 2015

Michael S. Wright: Last Night of Promenade Concerts in London, Sept. 12, 2015, features Eleanor Alberga's 'Arise, Athena!' & James P. Johnson's 'Victory Stride'

Eleanor Alberga

Victory Stride: The Symphonic Music of James P. Johnson

The Concordia Orchestra
Marin Alsop, Conductor
Music Masters 67140 (1994)

The African American James Price Johnson  (1894-1955) and Eleanor Alberga, born in Jamaica in 1949 and now based in Britain, are profiled at

Michael S. Wright writes:

Hi Bill,

I was just checking out this year’s Henry Wood Promenade Concerts in London. As ever, there is an under representation of composers of non-European origin. Of interest to your readers the last night features Eleanor Alberga – ‘Arise, Athena!’ a 3 minute work that opens the concert (12th Sept). The second half includes James P. Johnson’s ‘Victory Stride’. Check out

Kind regards


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