Monday, March 30, 2015

John Malveaux: Byron J. Smith directed Los Angeles Harbor College Choir & Grant AME Church of L.A. on Palm Sunday, March 29 at Bay Shore Church, Long Beach, Ca.

Photo of Byron J Smith and John Malveaux of MusicUNTOLD following Palm Sunday concert in Long Beach

John Malveaux of 

Byron J. Smith directed the combined Los Angeles Harbor College Collegiate Choir and Grant AME Church of Los Angeles on Palm Sunday, March 29, 2015, at Bay Shore Church, Long Beach, Ca. The program consisted of the SEVEN LAST WORDS OF CHRIST by Theodore Dubois (1837-1924) and concluded with Worthy To Be Praised composed by Byron J. Smith over 22 years ago. Worthy To Be Praised was first performed by the legendary Albert McNeil Singers. Please see one of several performances uploaded on You Tube
Byron J. Smith is also the current national president of NANM. See

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