Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Blacknet.co.uk: History consultant Kwaku highlights Samuel Coleridge-Taylor's Croydon connections 7-8:30 PM, Nov. 22, 2014, Matthews Yard Off Surrey St.

7.00-8.30pm Do You Know Croydonites Samuel Coleridge-Taylor & Neil ‘Mad Professor’ Fraser + John Archer? Film, Presentations & Q&A

History consultant Kwaku leads on these mini biographies which highlight African British classical composer Samuel Coleridge-Taylor's Croydon connections; reveal the work of record producer Neil 'Mad Professor' Fraser, who has run a successful music business in Croydon for over 30 years; plus a focus on the life of John Archer as a race-man and pan-Africanist, whilst historian Sean Creighton focuses on the politics, and how he dealt with the outbreak of World War I as the 1913/1914 Battersea Mayor.

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