John Malveaux accepted an invitation from James Drake, President, Boeing
Black Employees Association Long Beach, Ca. to be a guest speaker
during a Juneteenth event at Boeing on June 17, 2014. Malveaux will
share the UNTOLD story of Juneteeth he learned on a visit to the African
American Civil War Memorial & Museum in Washinton DC. John
Malveaux is a descent of John Malveaux, a Negro soldier in the Civil
War. Please see attachment for UNTOLD story of Juneteenth.
John Malveaux
Comment by email:
Dear John, What wonderful insight you've provided on Juneteenth. Erasing our
military history is traditional Americana - according to which
it was a day when people 'sang, danced, and prayed,' in gratitude.
Thank you for restoring this knowledge. And, as always, Bill, thank you for spreading it. Regards, Virginia
Virginia Kay
Thank you for such important information. This is an awakening that I now have more detail on what really happened in Texas during this so very important period for the state of Texas and for African-American History and our descendants. But, especially for the slaves that were free because of the Army Corps saving the Union.