Sunday, September 29, 2013

Eric Conway, Jr. Directs Yale Gospel Choir in 'Done Made My Vow to the Lord'

Eric Conway, D.M.A., Fine and Performing Arts Department Chairperson, Morgan State University:

Hello all,

Some of you know that on this past Friday, I drove up to New Haven, Connecticut to hear the Yale Gospel Choir perform.  My son, Eric Conway, Jr., (E.J.)  happens to be the director of the Yale Gospel Choir.  Please see link below to youtube video from the opening song in the concert - "Done Made My Vow to the Lord."  While there, I had a chance to see former Morgan State Alumna and choir member Leah Hawkins (Class of 2013) who is now a Graduate student in the Yale School of Music, who attended the concert.  

I was very proud this weekend as my son although not following in his father's footsteps with a career in Music, is following at least avocationally and doing a very fine job!  Also, I was proud to know that our Morgan graduates can leave our university and attend top-notched Ivy-League Graduate Schools after leaving our programs.


Eric Conway, D.M.A.
Fine and Performing Arts Department, Chairperson
Morgan State University

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