Thursday, October 4, 2012

Sergio Mims: "Coleridge-Taylor's 'Hiawatha's Wedding Feast' on WHPK-FM Wed. Oct 10"

Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875-1912)

Sergio Mims writes:

I guess it's definitely Coleridge-Taylor's time exactly 100 years after his death. Today at the library at the radio station where I do my weekly classical music show I came across the old Angel LP of his Hiawatha's Wedding Feast, which was the first part he wrote for his eventual Song of Hiawatha cantata trilogy.

It was misplaced in the wrong section and I found it quite completely by accident. I had no idea there was a copy in the station's library. Maybe the spirit of Coleridge-Taylor was guiding me. It's the classic recording with the Philharmonic Orchestra and the Royal Choral Society with tenor Richard Lewis conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent

Of course I've made some changes in next week's show and it will be the first selection of my classical music radio program on Weds Oct 10 12-3PM on WHPK-FM in Chicago (88.5 locally and can be also heard livestream on-line on www,

Also on the program will be Debussy's Images, Zemlinsky's String Quartet No 4 and Beethoven Missa Solemnis.


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