Sunday, October 28, 2012

Charles Kaufmann: 'Something Shocking About Samuel Coleridge-Taylor'

[Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875-1912)]

Charles Kaufmann of The Longfellow Chorus of Portland, Maine writes:

Hi Bill,

An earthquake occurred during our October 16 Coleridge-Taylor Round Table in Portland, Maine. Among those present were Jeffrey Green and William Tortolano. This scene will make its way into our documentary, "Samuel Coleridge-Taylor and His Music in America." Until then, here is the SCT quake audio, proof that Samuel Coleridge-Taylor is still a real mover and shaker:

Charles Kaufmann

[Samuel Coleridge-Taylor (1875-1912) is profiled at, which features a comprehensive Works List and a Bibliography by Prof. Dominique-René de Lerma, We are collaborating with the Samuel Coleridge-Taylor Foundation of the U.K.,]

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