Friday, February 24, 2012

Kelly Hall-Tompkins, violin and Craig Ketter, piano, 'Festival des Musique Sacrees' March 4-7, Paris

[Violinist Kelly Hall-Tompkins; Unofficial translation of French: “One Objective: Meeting, sharing and dialogue between cultures.”]

Violinist Kelly Hall-Tompkins tells AfriClassical of “Festival des Musique Sacrees” or “Festival of Sacred Music” in Paris, France from March 4-7, 2012. She will also take part in other events while in Paris:

March 4-7

Festival des Musique Sacrees

Paris, France

Kelly Hall-Tompkins, violin
Craig Ketter, piano

March 6 at the Theatre 13-Seine
Francois Mitterand Center

Also in Paris:

March 4th

Featured speaker at "Paris Soirees"
Hosted by Patricia Laplante-Collins
Topics to include:
Festival des Musiques Sacrees de Paris
and Music Kitchen-
Food for the Soul

March 5th
Concert in Parisian Homeless Shelter
with Craig Ketter, piano
*in Partnership between
Music Kitchen- Food for the Soul,
Festival des Musique Sacree
and the US Embassy in Paris

March 5th

Featured Panel Speaker with
Senator Bariza Khiari of France:
Round Table presented and hosted
 by American Embassy in Paris
Celebrating International Women's Day

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