Friday, February 17, 2012

John Malveaux: 'My awareness and perspective of diversity was composers Gary Powell Nash and Robert Owens.'

[ABOVE: Robert Owens BELOW: Gary Powell Nash]

John Malveaux of writes:

“My awareness and perspective of diversity was heightened at The African American Art Song Alliance Conference by composers Gary Powell Nash and Robert Owens.

"On Friday, February 10, during the evening bouquet session, soprano Anita Johnson and pianist Richard Thompson softly delivered four (4) pleasant romantic Chinese art songs composed by Gary Powell Nash with translations in the program.

"On Saturday February 11, composer, actor, and pianist Robert Owens premiered 'THE MUSIC WE ARE' poetry of Rumi. The thought provoking texts of Persian poet Rumi were humorously, wittingly, and suspense fully delivered in English by Owens. Humanity is universal and MusicUNTOLD thank Nash and Owens for contributions.” 

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