Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Prof. Langston J. Fitzgerald III Receives 'Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching' from Penn State University

[Langston J. Fitzgerald III]

Wilmer Wise, a renowned trumpeter in his own right, informs AfriClassical that Professor of Trumpet Langston J. Fitzgerald III has been chosen to receive the "Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching" from Penn State University. Wilmer Wise adds: "Fitz was one of Tage Larsen's teachers."

Penn State University
March 18, 2011
Three College of Arts and Architecture faculty members are being honored with excellence awards this spring: Daryl Durran, professor of music (bassoon), will receive the Award for Excellence in Advising and Mentoring, while Jamie Cooper, assistant professor of architecture, and Langston J. Fitzgerald, professor of music (trumpet), will receive the Faculty Award for Outstanding Teaching.”

“Fitzgerald joined the School of Music faculty in 2003, after teaching at both Catholic University and the Peabody Conservatory of Music. He has had an impressive career as a symphony player, performing trumpet with the Baltimore Symphony Orchestra from 1970 to 2003. His colleagues praise the ease with which he made the transition from symphony player to teacher, noting his continuing active performing career makes him an important role model for his students.

“Fitzgerald is recognized for his energy, enthusiasm, high expectations, and genuine interest in his students. Many of them have won positions in major symphony orchestras, including the Chicago and Atlanta symphonies and the U.S. Air Force Band. As one nominator notes, all of Fitzgerald’s students play very difficult literature and perform at an extremely high standard 'every single semester, without exception.' His students praise him for his dedication, superior teaching skills, and warm personality coupled with an ability to always push them to do their best. As one nominator wrote, 'being a student under the tutelage of Fitz has been an honor and blessing.'

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