Thursday, December 23, 2010

Charles Dickerson Asks If NPR Could Record His 'I Have A Dream' Jan. 9 & Air It On King Holiday Weekend

[Charles E. Dickerson III, Music Director and Conductor, The Southeast Symphony and Chorus]

“Dear Mr. Zick,
Wow. I am honored. I am not sure how you found out about this, but I am really quite taken back that you know about it, and that you have written about it and about me. Thank you for that honor.

I'd like to share this composition with you, and with everyone else in the africlassical community. Would you or anyone else be interested in recording this performance for possible broadcast on NPR or some other interested station on the King Holiday? As I think you know, our performance will be on January 9, and of course, the major celebrations of the King Holiday will be the following weekend. Please let me know if you have interest in this, or how I/we might go about generating interest in this.

Again, my thanks to you for taking notice of my work, and for putting the word out.
Best regards, particularly during this most festive time of the year,
Charles Dickerson

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