Friday, July 17, 2009

Raleigh Chamber Music Guild: Music of 12 African American Composers Sunday, July 19

Raleigh Chamber Music Guild
The first concert in the 2009-2010 Sights & Sounds series features soprano Louise Toppin, pianist David Heid, and cellist Timothy Holley in a program entitled More than a Spiritual.

DATE: July 19, 2009, 3 PM

SITE: North Carolina Museum of Art
2110 Blue Ridge Road, Raleigh


  • Robert Owens (b. 1925): Heart on the Wall

  • Songs by Leslie Adams, H. T. Burleigh, Jackie Hairston, Willis L. James, Hall Johnson, Thomas Kerr, Undine S. Moore, Florence Price, Ralph Simpson, William Grant Still

  • Valerie Capers (b. 1937): Song of the Seasons

TICKETS: $10 General Public; $8 NCMA Members & Students

- NCMA Box Office (919) 715-5923
- Museum website:
- Raleigh Chamber Music Guild (919) 821-2030


  • Louise Toppin, soprano

  • David Heid, piano

  • Timothy Holley, cello

[H. Leslie Adams, Henry T. Burleigh, Florence B. Price and William Grant Still are profiled at]

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