Monday, July 13, 2009

'Incorrect Pleasures: Different but not disabled' Writes of Thomas 'Blind Tom' Wiggins

[The Ballad of Blind Tom: Slave Pianist, America's Lost Musical Genius by Deirdre O'Connell; Overlook Press (2009)]

A blogger in Australia links to and other websites on the African American pianist and composer Thomas “Blind Tom” Wiggins (1849-1908): – Different but not disabled
Monday, July 13, 2009
“Did you know that the first African-American person to perform at the White house was an autistic person?
I didn't know that. He was popularly known by the name Blind Tom Wiggins, and he was a black, blind autistic musical prodigy/savant who had an amazing talent for music and imitation of sounds. He wasn't just a human pianola, he could perform music brilliantly and he was also an accomplished composer. He was hugely popular and successful as a touring musical performer, but sadly he was also a slave, so his extraordinary talent made someone else rich. An Australian author, Deirdre O'Connell, has written a biography of Blind Tom, and you can hear her interviewed yesterday on Australian radio through the internet (see below). You Americans have some interesting history!"

"LoPresti, Linda (2009) Blind Tom: a lost musical genius. The Book Show. ABC Radio National. July 13th 2009.
" [Full Post]
complete Works List for Thomas “Blind Tom” Wiggins has been compiled by Prof. Dominique-RenĂ© de Lerma and can be found at]

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