Friday, February 6, 2009

Video on WLS-TV Chicago: 'Young strings trio making name for itself'

The Sugar Strings is a trio of young African American cousins who play classical music; their website is
“Three young musicians are making a name for themselves with their performances.
By Harry Porterfield
February 5, 2009 (CHICAGO) (WLS) -- They're united by kinship and music. And, for the Sugar Strings of Chicago, it's a winning combination. Five years ago three musical cousins got together and formed the trio. They had all started learning their instruments as Suzuki students. Ayanna Williams, who is 17 and plays cello, is surprised at how they are received by those they play for. 'The reaction from the audience is pretty surprising because of the before and after effect. Sometimes they don't expect us to play well but when we do they either cry or they're happy.'"  [Full Post]

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