Friday, February 20, 2009

'Music by Composers of the African Diaspora' by William Chapman Nyaho Feb 26 & 28

A program entitled “Music by Composers of the African Diaspora” will be presented by the
Ghanaian-American Pianist William Chapman Nyaho at (1) Phelps Stokes Auditorium, Berea College, Berea, Kentucky, Thursday, Feb. 26 at 8:00 p.m. (2) Cedarhurst Chamber Music Series, Mt. Vernon, Illinois, Feb. 28, 7:30 p.m. The writes “Ghanaian-American concert pianist Nyaho brings his unique cultural background and extraordinarily eclectic sense of music to his concert recitals in Europe, Africa, the Caribbean, and the United States.”  Dr. William Chapman Nyaho tells AfriClassical:
“The program starts off with Beethoven op. 31 no. 3 then music by Price, Lamothe, Onovwerosuoke, El Dabh, Ndodana and Bonds.” [Margaret Allison Bonds, Ludovic Lamothe, William Chapman Nyaho and Florence B. Price are profiled at

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