Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Sphinx Organization: 'U.S. Senate Confirms Presidential Appointment of Sphinx Founder'

[Aaron Dworkin]

The Sphinx Organization has issued this press release:

Aaron Dworkin, Founder and President of the Sphinx Organization was confirmed Tuesday, August 2 by the U.S. Senate to serve on the National Council on the Arts. Dworkin was President Obama's first nominee to the National Council on the Arts in December 2010. Read The Washington Post article.

“The council is the advisory body to the National Endowment for the Arts and approves grants and agency policies. 'I am deeply honored that I was considered and selected by the President and confirmed by the Senate,' Dworkin said. 'It is my hope that I can play a role in advocating for the arts in our society and access for all young people.' Read more in The Detroit Free Press.

"Dworkin founded the Sphinx Organization in 1996, and was awarded a prestigious MacArthur Fellowship in 2005 in recognition of his work in bringing diversity to classical music. This year, the Sphinx Organization celebrates its 15th Anniversary and works to build capacity for artistic education and sustainability for educational programming. [Aaron P. Dworkin (b. 1970) is profiled at and has a personal website,]

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